Time is the most finicky idea I've encountered to date. One minute, time moves as quick as frozen molasses; the next, it moves with the rushing force of a hunting cheetah. One would think that after a period of waiting, time would go back to normal. It certainly has now. Life had fallen into a rhythm. Wake up; eat some breakfast; run to the bus stop; sit, utterly bored, in class; eat some lunch with my friends; more classes; then live!
After school is the time when I actually feel alive. I can move, fika, talk with people, and do something. As much as I enjoy school, honestly, I go to listen to Swedish, hang out with my friends, and re-teach myself patience. But after this long period of inaction: Life starts.
A week or so ago, I went to a tango class. Now, I know that the tango doesn't even come from Sweden and that some eye-brows were raised when I went to this class. Why not learn folk dance? I can't find it. Maybe, I'm not looking in the right place. Eventually, I'll find it, but until then, I'm with the tango. So anywho: Tango Class. I went into the class with very little expectations. The studio was in the lunchroom of the International School right beside Hvitfeldska. There were two people in the room. One was the male teacher and the other was his partner. He was a patient man. I told him that I was very new to the tango, but I did have some dance experience. So as the rest of the people were trickling into the room, he taught me the most basic moves. And then he passed me off to different partner. That wasn't bad. This elderly man took his time and gave me the time I needed to figure out where to put my feet. XD The third partner I was with was the beginning of the end. He smelt of cigarettes and was huge. Whenever I messed up, he stopped what he was doing, told me what I did wrong in a highly patronizing voice, and then started again. After about half and hour of dancing with this guy with no hope of switching partners, I took my leave of the class. Yeah. I ran. I will try again. But perhaps at a class where there are people closer to my age level. Oh well... New experience: DONE.
I found a cat. A tiny little bag of fur who adores affection and frolicking. I met this cat as I was walking to school. I didn't even leave my street and this little gray shadow comes running out from behind me. This little kitten scared the devil out of me. Thinking of my own cat back in Calgary, I squatted down to pet it. The second this cat starts pawing at my hand, tried to climb my knee, and I felt that he had damp fur, I figured that I was NOT petting an outdoor cat, but a cat that was clearly well loved. The cat also had a collar around its neck. With a phone number inscribed in it. I started kneeling on the ground, held the cat firmly by its collar, and grabbed my cellphone. I let him play with my headphone cord in order to get him to hold still long enough for me to read the phone number. I called up the owner and the kitten climbed up around my neck and sat down. Within five minutes, the owner and her two children came driving up. At that point, I was standing, holding the cat securely in my arms. I returned the cat and headed off for school. I arrived about fifteen minutes late for class (Sorry!!) and with a chewed through headphone cord, but it was worth it. XD
So Fika. As it turns out, it seems that I end up fikaing at least once a week. Or twice in one day. On Wednesday, my class was out all day 'oritenteering'. That's when one is given a map and told to find all the stations, all on the map, and get back to the starting point. One needs to be in gym class, which, unfortunately, I'm not. So, I had a free day. At around lunch, I had fika with David. He was in school, but with a three hour break. Therefore, I suggested that we fika and he agreed. So we had donuts. XP Later that day, I met up with Arianna (Italy). We ended up in a coffee house and were there for about two hours. XD
Last weekend, I stayed over at Surya's (Arizona). Sarah (Ottawa) was also staying over. Her host parents and mine were heading out of town for the weekend. So that night, after supper, Surya and I watched Pan's Labyrinth. Sarah was pretty tried, so her went to bed early. Now, Pan's Labyrinth is a Spanish film. It was spoken in Spanish. We didn't have English subtitles. We had Swedish subtitles. This was a test for the both of us: How much written Swedish do you know after two months? Enough to follow along, it seemed. XD We both enjoyed the film. The next day, Surya and I had a "flop" day. She and I read books, had some tea, and lunch. I borrowed one of Surya's books called, Ransom my Heart by Mag Cabot. Awesome read! Surya read Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. XD Another awesome book! Sarah went out shopping with some of her friends from her class. It was so nice to just "flop". XD ("Flop". Surya's word. Not mine. XP)
It's a wonderfully sunny autumn day outside. I think I'll go for a walk. XP
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